Ngày đăng: 29/03/2024 771 lượt xem
Tên đơn vị tuyển dụng

Recruiter/Business name

Innovature Consulting Company
Lĩnh vực hoạt động


Business Process Outsourcing specilizing in Accounting, Customer Service, Business Intelligence
Website công ty (nếu có)

Business website (if any)
Vị trí ứng tuyển – Số lượng

Job position(s) – Slot(s)

1. Accountant – Accounts Receivable

2. Accountant – Accounts Payable

3. Accounting Intern

Loại hình công việc

Job type

1. Fulltime

2. Fulltime

3. Intern

Địa điểm làm việc


Ree Tower, 9 Doan Van Bo, Ward 13, District 4, HCMC
Mô tả công việc &

việc đảm trách

Job description & responsibilities

  • Mô tả công việc/Job description:

1. Accountant – Accounts Receivable

Accounts Receivable Analyst is responsible for the delivery of key A/R tasks and processes, including customer billing, payment application/reconciliation, auditing, researching, and resolving discrepancies, and collection of past due receivables.

  • Core Deliverables – Deliver key AR tasks and processes including billing, cash application, reconciliation, audits, & collections for assigned customers.
  • Support Onshore to monitor customer accounts and identify all collection issues and assist in appropriate resolution.
  • Audit & Compliance – Periodically audit invoice data to ensure billing accuracy.
  • Take proactive approach to identify and mitigate errors that could lead to collection risks.
  • Conduct monthly audit for appropriate revenue reporting and matching costs following U.S. GAAP.
  • Customer Service – Maintain our service-focused team culture that delivers excellent experience to clients, internal departments as well as other external parties.
  • Develop effective working relationships across all department and organization.
  • Treat urgent and sensitive matters delicately with a sense of urgency and appropriate internal and external communication.

2.    Accountant – Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable Analyst is responsible for the delivery of key A/P tasks and processes, including processing payment to vendor, auditing, researching, and resolving discrepancies, and supporting on supplier requests.

Core deliverables

  • Deliver key AP tasks and processes including booking and processing supplier invoices, run settlement, reconciliation, audits for assigned customers, receiving and following payment inquiries.
  • Support onshore to monitor supplier accounts and identify all payment issues and assist in appropriate resolution.

Audit & Compliance

  • Periodically audit invoice data to ensure processing payment to supplier accuracy.
  • Take proactive approach to identify and mitigate errors that could lead to payment risks.
  • Conduct monthly audit for appropriate revenue reporting and matching costs following U.S. GAAP.

Customer service

  • Maintain our service-focused team culture that delivers excellent experience to clients, internal departments as well as other external parties.
  • Develop effective working relationships across all department and organization.
  • Treat urgent and sensitive matters delicately with a sense of urgency and appropriate internal and external communication.

3. Accounting Intern

  • Support to deliver key AR tasks and processes including billing, cash application, reconciliation, audits, & collections for assigned customers.
  • Support to periodically audit invoice data to ensure billing accuracy. Take a proactive approach to identify and mitigate errors that could lead to collection risks.
  • Support to conduct monthly audits for appropriate revenue reporting and matching costs following U.S. GAAP.
Yêu cầu công việc

Job requirements

1.    Accountant – Accounts Receivable

  • At least 1 year of experience in accounting, finance, or related field
  • Fluent in English writing as there will be daily communication with onshore team via chat and email, and good in verbal communication.
  • A willing-to-learn and positive attitude.
  • Knowledge of basic accounting principles and functions.
  • Microsoft Excel proficiency to include pivot tables, V-lookups, charts, data breakdown, summary, & analysis.
  • Ability to work independently while exercising good judgment.
  • Ability to gather, analyze and summarize data into useful information to influence decision making.
  • Intermediary to advanced MS Excel, MS Access, and SQL skills, customer service is a plus.

2. Accountant – Accounts Payable


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting/Auditing/Finance or equivalent.
  • A minimum of 1 year in Accounting.
  • Fluency in English (especially written and verbal communication).
  • Familiarity with US accounting standards is a plus.

Work Behavior

  • Strong time management skills and high attention to detail.
  • Exceptional time management, communication, and problem-solving skills
  • Be responsible, ethical and willing to learn.

3. Accounting Intern

  • Undergraduate or fresh graduate majoring in business, accounting, finance, or economics.
  • Proficient in English both in speaking and writing.
  • Intermediate proficiency with MS Excel.
  • Willing to learn continuously and to adapt to new conditions.
  • Has the ability to work independently, execute task well
  • Has the ability to creatively redesign one’s job; self-starter
  • Has knowledge on basic finance and accounting principles and functions


Yêu cầu trình độ

Job Qualifications

Same as Job requirements
Mức lương/Phụ cấp/ Quyền lợi

Salary range/Allowance/


For fulltime position

We treat people fairly and with dignity, keeping a healthy perspective about life and work and fostering a positive and enjoyable work environment with appealing benefits as below:

·        A competitive monthly salary based on your ability

·        13th month Tet bonus & bi-annual performance bonus

·        Annual salary review

·        Attractive employee awards: Employee of Year, Semi-Annual outstanding employee

·        Social insurance and healthcare insurance upon Vietnam Labor Code

·        PTI insurance package, and annual health check

·        An English-speaking environment

·        An open culture that spurs creativity, innovation, and inclusivity

·        A variety of training courses for your career development

·        Diverse activities to foster relationships, including company trips, year-end party, employees’ birthdays

·        An open-space office, a cafeteria, and a range of modern equipment

·        Other allowances from referrals and special occasions (weddings, seniority, and new-born baby)

For Intern

  • A competitive monthly allowance
  • An English-speaking environment
  • Have the opportunity to be converted to full-time employment
  • An open culture that spurs creativity, innovation, and inclusivity
  • A variety of training courses for your career development
  • An open-space office, a cafeteria, and a range of modern equipment.
Hồ sơ ứng tuyển gồm

Application dossier

Updated English CV
Link ứng tuyển (nếu có)

Application link (if any)




Thời hạn nộp hồ sơ

Application deadline

As soos as possible until the positions are filled
Thông tin liên hệ

Contact person

Ms Trinh – 0989 848 845

Ms Ánh – 0981380 027


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